Starting from some collections of objects of work and peasant thought in our area, we will build a network of nodes that will explain, in depth, the history of the men who, with those artifacts, have shaped our landscape, cultivated our food, founded our culture.
Looking at our countryside we see a row of grapes, a house, a river, haystacks, vegetable gardens, chicken coops, olive trees. Hundreds of years and thousands of arms have built that landscape, according to a collective and social intelligence, which has taken into account the human need in relation to and relationship with the territory, which those men had to feed. The same story is in a piece of Tuscan bread, but you can’t see it: it feels. Thousands of kitchens and hearts and selections of wheat and yeast have produced it. By eating our territory we learn many things about it, and we become its custodians.
We look at the world as if we were opening a photo album, but what we see, what we live, is the necessary legacy of those who preceded us. In the countryside, where the whole family from the old to the children helped to work the land, at forty they still lived where they were born and one could say “that stone that holds the earth of that step of that bank of that river the I set thirty years ago “and there is a silent and clear conscience of what the accumulation of shared work, stone by stone, can generate over the years. We share a ground even when it happens to those who worked before us.
The deepest values of rural civilization, which for a long time have characterized Italy and our territory, constitute a stimulus for its cultural revival capable of integrating ecological awareness and scientific knowledge with respect for the environment, the landscape and work .