Via Francigena from Lucca to Siena: into the hearth Toscana


Empolese Valdelsa

Lucca area

4 Seasons

Via Francigena





Via Francigena from Lucca to Siena: into the hearth Toscana

The Via Francigena between Lucca and Siena extends in the heart of the Tuscan countryside. Like the ancient pilgrims on their way to Rome: between the rediscovery of the territory and the hiking enhancement of this ancient communication channel that for centuries has been traveled by wayfarers or preachers, men of faith or fixers. It is a traveling backpacking trip. The short initial stages easily introduce the fatigue of the journey. The most tiring stage in terms of length arrives on Friday when we have the path in our legs! You walk without large differences in height, mainly on technically easy paths, sometimes on asphalt or hard ground, but as little as possible. We recommend some training on the lengths to go.